
Book 5 Kickstarter!

February 13, 2013


Hey everyone! I am pleased to announce that Book 5 is on the way! Like the past books, it will include a TON of extra content, including strips that have never published here on the website. It’ll also include an 8 page story called “Weregeek High”, chronicling the gang’s highschool days!

I’ve started up a Kickstarter to help raise fund for the printing costs, and as with Book 4, I’ve got a ton of fun rewards for every backer level! I’ve also got some things planned for some stretch goals that I think you guys are really going to like! Plus, all backers will have access to the update blog, where I’ll post my progress on all of the extra content and share some teasers of the extra products that may be available to backers if we hit some stretch goals!

So, please check it out and help spread the word by tweeting, posting about it on Facebook, or using whatever other sort of social media mojo you are currently rocking. Thanks a ton!! 🙂


Comic Storylines

Chapter 22