
Not the End

March 11, 2014

Hey everyone. This is it. This is the big reveal. This is the end-goal I had in mind from when I first created Weregeek.

It isn’t the end, however. Not by a long shot.

See, back when I was first planning out story ideas for this comic, I had a big, sprawling storyline involving the Weregeeks and their geek powers. I was in love with the mystery of the Hunters as shadowy antagonists, and I really wanted to work in all sorts of metaphors. I had big, big plans.

I had also never written anything other than posts for my play-by-post RPGs and a few short stories that, with any luck, will never see the light of day. So, as the years went by and I got better and better at writing jokes and planning out more tightly character-focused storyarcs, I found that I liked writing the ‘metaplot’ storylines less and less. I came to dread them, actually, since they seemed to take away what I’d actually built – a cast of characters that were relateable, that made me laugh and reminded me of all of the fun times I’d had as a newbie LARPer, characters that you, the fans, wrote me to ask for more details about. I found the Hunter/Wergeek plots taking a backseat to plots focused around these characters and their lives, and wishing I could spend even more time writing that.

And so, after a lot of thought, I decided to wrap up the metaplot early. I had originally planned it to be the penultimate storyline (and, given how sprawling, and lets face it, convoluted, the original plot idea was, it would have needed to be late in the game!), but realized that not only did that not have to be the end, it shouldn’t be. There were so many more stories yet to tell – why haven’t we seen much of Ravenia lately? How did Ned wind up running a game shop? Are Joel and Stephanie going to hit it off or wind up at each other’s throats? And, as so many people have been asking, what’s going to happen between Mark and Sarah now?

Anyway, I’m excited for this new chapter in the comic. Or maybe, not a chapter so much as a new chronicle (chronicle being the term we used to denote different games under the same banner – a vampire chronicle could be run by the same Storytelling team and organizers, but be very different thematically between one chronicle and the next. Most even had different continuities, though that’s not the case here!). I’m really excited about delving a little more deeply into the cast’s lives, and I hope that you guys are too.

So, thank you all for sticking with me through Chronicle 1 of Weregeek. I hope you’ll stick with me through into the new Chronicle, because there’s lot of story yet to tell, and I’m really excited to tell it. We’re going to be going back to the ever-punny “+2 Comedy Check Theatre” once this storyline wraps (there’s still a few strips left that will hopefully answer some of the questions you may have!) to give me time to script ahead on the new chronicle and really get a good handle on the writing, but the new storyline should be starting on March 31st. Until then, thanks for reading, and I’ll be checking the comments section over the next while if you have any questions!



Comic Storylines

Chapter 26