Guest Strip by Brian Patterson
March 20, 2012
Today’s comic is courtesy of the wonderful Brian Patterson, of d20monkey. I know that you lot enjoy tabletop gaming humour (like speculation about D&D Next races or what monsters do on coffee breaks) with a dash of mysterious plot going on in the background, so if you haven’t checked out his comic before, now is the time, my friends!
I will warn my younger readers (yes, all of you under 15 Weregeeks out there, I’m looking at you) that it’s a bit edgier than Weregeek, so bear that in mind. The rest of you more mature (or grown-up but still immature) readers out there, I heartily recommend that you go nuts on the archive. Not only is the art top notch, but he reveals Monte Cook’s secret arachnoid nature!! I mean, what more can you want out of a comic than to see one of your gaming idols transforming into a giant spider?
Nothing. That’s what. Nothing.