October 7, 2015
Hey everyone,
Im very sorry to say that today’s comic will be delayed. I had a massive allergy attack yesterday that left my eyes so puffy and swollen that I’ve only been able to open one of them, and even then, only for moments at a time. These are not ideal conditions for drawing comics.
Normally, my buffer would take care of situations like this, but unfortunately the back-to-back conventions have eaten my stockpile of strips.
Anyway, ill get back to the drawing board as soon as I’m able, but right noe, I’m going to take more allergy medication and sleep like the dead!
UPDATE: I’M BACK!!! I’m still not 100%, but I’ve got some really good prescription creams for the GIANT RASH ALL OVER MY FACE and my eyes are no longer swollen pits of pain, which makes all the difference in the world. I’ll be catching up on the last few day’s worth of updates over the next day or so, so watch the site over the weekend for new updates.